How Do Pain Relievers Work?

a person holding pills in the palms 

The feeling of pain is subjective and hence cannot have an objective definition. It is a feeling of discomfort that you might experience after falling on the ground, hitting something hard, colliding with an object or a person, muscle pull, etc. There cannot be enough examples to exhaustively cover why pain is … Read more

Uses of Numbing Cream for Your Skin

A person massaging the back of a woman

A numbing cream is a type of topical anesthetic that numbs a part of the body you apply it on. From the front skin of the eyelids to the inside of the ear, the numbing cream can be used anywhere; however, caution is mandatory.  Have you ever had a minor surgery or … Read more

How to Make a Sprained Ankle Heal Faster

Sprained Ankle Heal

An ankle sprain is a pretty common injury, and you don’t need to be an athlete to experience one. It’s the most frequent musculoskeletal injury seen by health care providers in the US, and more than 23,000 people a day need medical attention for ankle sprains. Whether it’s from colliding with a … Read more

Daily Habits for Preventing Back Pain

An illustration of a man with back pain

Back pain is a common condition experienced by many people. According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, about 80% of adults in the United States will develop back pain. The consequences of back pain may lead to missing work, having trouble sleeping, being unable to participate in recreational activities, … Read more

Top Treatments for Dislocated Shoulders

An X-ray showing dislocated shoulder

Having a dislocated shoulder is painful. It usually occurs from a fall or a blow to the shoulder, wherein the mobility and the ball-in-socket mechanism becomes dislocated. It usually happens during accidents in sports activities, falling onto the shoulder, trying to break a fall with the hand, and being hit in the … Read more

Why Is Epsom Salt Used?

Epsomite (heptahydrate)

Epsom salt is used as a popular remedy for many ailments. It has been around for centuries and even people back then used Epson salt to treat certain pains and injuries. With time, as more and more studies stepped in, it was found that Epson salt has several other important benefits to … Read more

What Causes Headaches?

A woman suffering from a headache

Headaches can be more complicated and painful than some people realize. There are several reasons contributing to headaches and sometimes it can be a bit difficult to point out the exact problem. Different types of headaches have different signs and symptoms. Therefore, each type is going to need different treatment. Once your … Read more

Are Lidocaine Creams Helpful In Easing Pain?

Lidocaine Cream

Lidocaine is an anesthetic belonging to a group of anesthetics called a local anesthetic. It aids in easing nerve pain and causes numbness in the skin in case of specific skin conditions. It works by causing loss of feeling from the infected part to relieve pain. Moreover, it hinders nerves from sending … Read more

Brands of Over-The-Counter Lidocaine

woman applying cream on hand

Whenever people undergo minor but painful procedures, many are looking for ways on how to reduce the pain. Some examples of these procedures can be dental surgery, getting a tattoo, and other events that involve needle punctures and other painful processes. Aside from that, acquiring cuts, scrapes, and minor burns can also … Read more

What is Lidocaine?

Applying the cream from a blue tube on a yellow background

  Lidocaine is the generic name for a topical cream. This is a medication that one uses on the skin for stopping pain and itching in many skin conditions. These conditions include minor burns, scrapes, minor burns, and other forms of discomfort such as bites from insects. It can also be used … Read more