How to Use Essential Oils to Get Glowing Skin?

What are Essential Oils?

Essential oils are extracted from various plants. They capture the essence of plants and are used for multiple purposes. In a while, essential oils have been used in aromatherapy, and the results are astonishing. Some well-known examples of essential oils are pure Argan oil, orange oil, rose oil, tea tree oil, lavender oil, and many more. 

These oils have been used for hair and body for years, so why not use them for face care? They have millions of health benefits that ultimately lead to better, glowing skin. 

How do They Function?

Essential oils have been widely used in aromatherapy, in which these compounds are absorbed in the body. The absorbed constituents do their wonders. Different methods of using these oils have been tried, and still, the research is under process about what way may yield the best results. These oils are used for wrinkles as well as to treat acne scars. You might be amazed to know that they produce a sense of mental relaxation, thus relieving stress and anxiety. 

How to Use Essential Oils to Get Glowing Skin?

Most of you would already be aware of the fact that essential oils are useful for the skin. And the majority would be using some of them too. Yet, many people might question how they should use these essential oils to gain maximum benefits.

Following are the ways:

1. Dilute the Essential Oil with a Carrier 

The best method is to mix only a few drops of the essential oils in either moisturizer or some carrier oil, such as Jojoba oil, before use. You should apply the oils appropriately for having best results. The benefits of some oils are mentioned below:

  • Lavender Oil

Lavender oil has been known and used for years. It assists in moisturizing the dry skin and reduces wrinkling. Enriched with anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory features, this essential oil fights acne-causing bacteria, clearing acne from the skin and healing it so that it appears clearer and shinier. This oil can be used after dilution or directly onto the acne scars after washing the face. 

If you are a victim of acne, you should try lavender oil to heal it. 

  • Tea Tree Oil

If you have oily and acne-prone skin, don’t worry as we have got you a solution. The oil that leaves miracles on such skin types is none other than tea tree oil. The question is, how you should use it.
Simply mix a few drops of tea tree essential oil in coconut oil. Apply the mixture on your face, massage it gently for a while, and then cover your face with a steamy towel for about 10 minutes. If you are regular about this skincare routine, you will soon see positive effects. Your skin will be cleaner, and a natural glow will be visible. 

If your skin is itchy or inflamed after waxing or shaving, tea tree oil can help soothe it. Mix a few drops of tea tree oil in aloe vera gel. Apply this gel mixture on your face, and it will calm and soothe your itchy, dull skin. Tea tree oil has a wide fan base, and people are in love with the results. You can get smooth, gentle, and acne-free skin that will ultimately glow. 

  • Orange Oil

When mixed with carrier oil, orange oil, and rose oil can help keep your skin glow better, especially in summers. Orange oil has anti-septic and anti-inflammatory nature, and it is enriched with vitamin C that is necessary for the collagen to grow and thus prevents your skin from sagging. Applying the oil on your face will leave a glow on your face. However, it should be kept in mind that vitamin C should not be applied before sun exposure because it may increase sun sensitivity.

  • Rosehip Oil

This oil has anti-aging properties and slows the wrinkling of your beautiful skin. When applied, it leaves a unique glow. 

  • Rose Oil

Rose oil is an all-rounder. It helps in the hydration, nourishment, as well as healing of your skin. It cleans the skin from impurities and leaves a natural glow.

There is a pool of essential oils available in the market. You should choose one that matches your skin type and keep changing them often. 

2. Cleanse Your Skin

It is one of the important steps of any skincare hygiene. Before applying any oil on your face, clean it by cleansing it with a good cleanser. 

3. Hydrate Your Skin

After cleansing, while your face is still damp, apply a good quality humectant. A humectant is a hydrating agent that restores moisture in your skin to allow easy absorption of essential oils.

4. Apply the Suitable Oil 

After cleansing and hydrating your skin properly, apply your day or night oil on your skin (not more than 1 to 3 drops). Gently tap it on the face evenly while it is still damp. It will leave a better glow on your face.

5. Be Regular

Skincare is something you should include in your daily routine no matter what. Be regular with applying the oils on your face for better results. It will take time as your skin needs time to heal. When you have healthy skin, it glows and seems happier. Take care of your skin as it represents you. 

Things to Avoid While Using Oils

Don’t Apply Oils on Dry Skin

Dry skin does not allow enough absorption of oils in the skin, and you may end up having greasy skin. Therefore, we recommend putting these essential oils on wet skin. Wet skin enhances the absorption rate of oils into your skin, which will be much more effective. It is a common misconception that essential oils hydrate your skin. They don’t. So, you should hydrate your skin by using some kind of humectant like vegetable glycerin before using any essential oil.

Avoid Using Too Much Oil at a Time on Your Face

People assume that if they put oil in excess, they will get quicker results. That is not the case. You should never use more than 3 drops of oil at once on your face. 

Don’t Use the Wrong Oil on Your Face

For instance, if you have oily skin, do not go for coconut oil. This essential oil is known to be extremely heavy and causing breakouts on oily skin. Unless you have dry skin, try not to use coconut oil. Prefer oils that are comparatively lighter and easily absorbing, such as watermelon or raspberry seed oils. 

Never Use Rancid Oils

Rancid oils have been exposed to sunlight and air. Hence they release chemicals that are deteriorating to the skin. 

Don’t Stick to Just One Particular Oil

People prefer using a single oil for a long time if they find it suitable. It is just like feeding on a single food for your whole life. Your skin, just like your stomach, needs different kinds of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants with time. Try to alternate the oils at least every one or two months to have better and glowing skin. 

In addition to that, try various oils in the morning and the evening. Different oils have different benefits, then why stick to just one type and limiting all the benefits you can have? 


Essential oils have been proven to help you get brighter and glowing skin. They help heal your skin from underlying infections and inflammation, wipe off the impurities embedded in the skin, and consequently leave your skin glowing and shining. 

Apart from benefiting your skin, these oils have proven to be great relaxants as they relieve the effect of stress and anxiety. They have multiple benefits if used in the correct ways and time. 

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