Natural Remedies for Fighting Inflammation

Inflammation can be a painful consequence of many medical issues. Whether it be diseases, health issues, or surgical procedures, inflammation can make recovery excruciating. Inflammation occurs when the body produces an immune response to anything it considers a foreign object. In some cases, there may even be a puss if a wound is infected. However, worry not, as there are many ways to reduce inflammation, naturally. 

Why Is Inflammation a Problem?

Inflammation itself isn’t harmful. It is the body trying to get rid of the foreign object in your system. This should last anywhere from a day to a week. However, sometimes due to autoimmune problems, chronic illnesses, and other diseases, inflammation can persist. We call this condition chronic inflammation. 

However, the other condition is more likely to occur and that is called acute inflammation. This lasting pain and swelling can affect how you live your everyday life. If the pain from inflammation is beyond tolerance, you need help to reduce inflammation. There are a lot of medications available on the market. However, if you go natural, you will not face any further side effects in the body. 

Keep in mind that if this is the case of chronic inflammation, natural therapy is most likely not going to work and you will have to go for medical treatment.

Natural Remedies for Fighting Inflammation

Baking Soda and Water

Baking soda and water are proven to provide relief against inflammation. However, this is only good for short-term use. Long-term use of baking soda can lead to liver damage and bone loss. Even researches that prove baking soda can lead to a decrease in inflammation, recommend an intake of about 2 weeks only. 

To make this tonic, simply mix ¼ tablespoon baking soda into 350 ml water. Drinking this tonic will help you fight inflammation naturally.  Drink this two times a week, after your meals. Stop consumption after two weeks.

Ginger Tea and Shakes

Ginger tea has been used by people as an anti-inflammatory for a long time now. Even before modern medicine, ginger was given to reduce swelling, and fight off infection. In recent times, there is a plethora of research that proves that ginger reduces inflammation. Ginger inhibits the production of prostaglandin and leukotriene, both of which have anti-inflammatory properties. 

It also inhibits the production of inflammatory cytokines, which are involved in inflammatory reactions. When produced in huge amounts, these contribute to inflammatory diseases like atherosclerosis. Not only this, but the magical root is also antioxidant and antibacterial. All of this makes it a very good way to naturally reduce inflammation. It not only stops the swelling, but ginger also caters to the underlying source of the problem, the infection. 

Here is one easy recipe for how to make ginger tea. 

Use a one-inch piece of ginger, and wash it thoroughly. You don’t need to peel it. Cut it in the form of thin slices and add the ginger to a saucepan with a cup of water. Once it comes to a rolling boil, lower the flame, and let it simmer. The concoction should be strong enough in about 5-7 minutes. Finally, pour your liquid through a sieve into a cup. You can serve the tea with a lemon wedge if you like to. 

The best part is that ginger tea will not have any major side effects even if you are consuming it on a regular basis. 

Turmeric Milk

Turmeric milk is a powerful tonic against inflammation. Turmeric contains curcumin, which is proven to be an anti-inflammatory, an antioxidant, and is said to help against joint pain. Research sums up the effects of curcumin on multiple sclerosis, which is an autoimmune, inflammatory disease that affects the nervous system.

Curcumin controls the production of proteins, inflammatory cytokines, and enzymes in the body. It is also associated with reducing free radicals in your system. All of this proves turmeric consumption is a very good way to naturally reduce inflammation. 

Turmeric milk has been consumed as a medicine in India for centuries. To make this, simply add about ¼ teaspoon of ground turmeric to a saucepan with a cup of milk.  You can add honey for sweetness. 

While turmeric milk can be taken like this, science proves very little curcumin is absorbed in the body. To increase the body’s absorption of curcumin, add about ¼ teaspoon of black pepper. You can also add in all-spice, cardamom, and vanilla to taste. 

Bone Broth

Broth made of chicken bones and feet is especially rich in amino acids that fight inflammation. These are proline, glycine, and arginine. This makes bone broth a good natural remedy to fight inflammation.  Add about 1 kg of chicken bones, with 2 chicken feet, to 1 gallon of water. Slow cook the bones in the water, with your vegetables of choice. The broth should simmer for about one to two days. After the required time, simply use a sieve to remove the bone and vegetables. Drink about 1 cup per day. You can also freeze the broth, for up to 3 months. In case you are a vegetarian, you should skip this solution and go to the next one.

Alternatively, you can try out the following medicines which are recommended to use for curing inflammation – 5 Best Anti-Inflammatory Creams Over The Counter

Green Tea

Green tea is a potent anti-inflammatory. It contains polyphenols, which are packed with antioxidants. Research also proves polyphenol reduces inflammatory reactions in the body. Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), is the strongest polyphenol in green tea and has the most anti-inflammatory properties. 

You can simply buy any packaged or loose green tea from the market. Just brew it according to the package instructions. Another efficient way to have green tea is to use matcha powder. Matcha powder is grounded green tea leaves, which can simply be stirred into hot water, or milk. 

While green tea has a lot of health benefits and reduces inflammation, it should be taken with care. Green tea is a very effective natural method to fight inflammation, however, green tea has caffeine, and excessive consumption can reduce the body’s iron intake. 

The constituents of green tea can also react with a lot of medications. You can have the brew occasionally. However, if you want to make it a regular habit, it is best to talk to your doctor first who can provide better and specialist advice with regards to your health.  

An Anti-Inflammatory Smoothie

There are a lot of different fruits and vegetables that prevent inflammation. You can make it a habit to eat them daily. However, for best results, and easy consumption, you can simply make a fruit and vegetable smoothie and drink it at the start of your day. 

Berries have various anti-inflammatory properties which is why they should be a must in your smoothie. Blueberries are the most effective ones. They contain flavonoids which are antioxidants that help combat inflammation. You can add beets, broccoli, and even dark chocolate. 

Dark chocolate contains the highest concentration of cocoa. Cocoa is a very effective anti-oxidant that not only reduces inflammation but also reduces blood sugar. If you intend to have dark chocolate to reduce inflammation, look for chocolate that has at least 70% cocoa. 

Broccoli, on the other hand, is rich in Vitamin K. An abundance of research proves that Vitamin K reduces inflammation in the body, by acting against about 14 causes of inflammation. This smoothie is a very effective natural remedy against inflammation. 

In case you are allergic to any of the fruits or vegetables mentioned above, you can make your own combination. Most fruits have anti-infectious and anti-inflammatory properties which will help cure you. 

Eat Salmon

Salmon is a fish rich in Omega-3 and various fatty acids. The highest quantity is found in wild salmon. Omega-3 reduces inflammation by reducing the production of cytokines, and eicosanoids, both of which are inflammatory substances. DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid) and EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid) are the two types of Omega-3 present in salmon. Salmon also contains ALA (Alpha-linolenic Acid), which is the anti-inflammatory component in broccoli, and spinach. All of this makes salmon consumption a natural way to fight inflammation. 

You can have salmon daily without any side effects. Not only is salmon rich in Omega-3, but it also contains the proteins and fats our body needs. Just look out for the quality of fish you’re consuming.

Suggested Reading – Why Do We Get Inflammation?


There are a lot of natural remedies that reduce inflammation. However, a lifestyle change is also necessary for a pronounced effect. We recommend you stay away from sweets, carbonated beverages, strong spices, fried foods, red meat, and shortenings or lard. Try to move towards a healthy diet consistently and you will not feel any inflammation at all. 

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