How to Get Rid of Dry Skin

Dry skin of the palm

The medical term for dry skin, “xerosis,” is originally a Greek word. Xero means dry, and osis implies disorder or ailment. It is basically caused by the lack of moisture in the skin, which may occur due to an underlying cause (diabetes, hypothyroidism), the result of aging, or the influence of environmental … Read more

Essential Oils to Relieve Dry, Itchy Skin

Chamomile flowers

Itchy skin is the worst. It’s uncomfortable and distracting, and sometimes unbearable. Sometimes, you feel the itch anywhere, and it becomes embarrassing. And once you scratch, the more you itch again. The common causes of itching include insect bites, allergies, sunburn, eczema, psoriasis and exposure to toxic chemicals. Medical creams for itch … Read more