Top Home Remedies for Toothaches

Toothaches are quite unbearable especially if you have sensitive teeth. A toothache may occur due to several reasons but you would be glad to know that with a few simple home remedies, most of the toothaches can be resolved. We recommend that you try out the home treatment first before making an expensive visit to the dentist. 

How to Treat Toothache at Home?

Toothaches can be treated at home with the following verified methods. 

Saltwater Mouthwash

One reason why you might be facing toothache is that there might be high inflammation in the teeth. Active germs could be a cause of the pain. Since saltwater is a natural antibacterial micro agent, it helps in relieving toothache by killing germs. Simply mix some salt in water and gargle thoroughly. 

Keep in mind that the water should neither be too hot nor too cold; rather mildly warm water would be the most useful one. The American Dental Association recommends using half a teaspoon of salt in an 8 ounces glass of warm water. Even if a person does not have a toothache, he can still use salt water as a mouthwash since it helps in eliminating germs from the mouth.

Aloe Vera Extract

Aloe Vera Extract is a natural item that has plenty of health benefits including relief from toothache as well. Although it is mainly used to treat burns, wounds, and cuts, there have been studies which have shown the positive impacts of aloe vera extract on tooth health. Aloe vera has antibacterial properties which is why it can kill the germs causing tooth pain. 

It is also used to clean the gums and soothe them. Simply put some aloe vera extract on your index finger and massage gently on the area where it hurts. Surprisingly, it won’t take long before aloe vera does its action and eliminates all the harmful germs from the mouth.

Apply Peppermint Tea

Peppermint Tea is known as one of the best ways to overcome toothache at home because it is readily available. You can easily get it from the closeby shop or mart. Peppermint Tea is recommended for toothache because it has numbing agents that help out in easing the pain. It also contains Menthol which is known as a natural anti-bacterial element helpful in killing the germs causing pain. 

The process of using peppermint tea for tooth pain is quite simple. Simply add the peppermint tea powder or peppermint leaves in boiling water. Steep it for 20 minutes and then let it cool. Once it cools down, you can either drink the tea or gargle and swallow it out. Since many people do not like the taste of peppermint, using the peppermint tea bag could also be a suitable option. Just make sure that the teabag is warm and slightly wet for maximum usefulness. Lastly, adding a few drops of peppermint oil to cotton would also be helpful.

Use Cloves

Cloves have been known as a natural and easy home remedy for curing toothache because of their anti-inflammatory properties. Dentists also recommend that you use toothpaste that has cloves as their primary ingredient. Cloves also provide relief to the gums, help in soothing them, and protect teeth from bacterial attacks. 

There are various ways to use cloves. One simple way to do so is by chewing whole cloves for about 20 – 30 minutes. With constant chewing, the clove will release its oil and ease out all the tooth pain. Having eugenol which acts as a natural antiseptic, the clove can numb out the pain for a while and reduce inflammation as well. 

On the other hand, you can simply buy some clove oil from a nearby store and apply it directly or use a cotton ball for application. Experts recommend that you can make this a daily habit too. Simply add 2 or 3 cloves in a glass of water and leave overnight. In the morning, you can use this water for gargles. 

Over-the-Counter Painkillers

Over-the-counter medicines include all those medical treatments which can be used without any particular prescription by the doctor. There are various painkillers that can be used to treat toothache. Depending upon the dosage and formula, the time taken for the toothache to relieve could vary from person to person. However, the good thing about these painkillers is that these medicines provide long-term relief to tooth pain, usually. Just make sure that any form of aspirin should not be given to children under 16 years old. 

Here is a list of some of the best painkillers for toothache – Strongest Over the Counter Pain Medication for Toothaches

Use Thyme

Natural treatments are always considered as the best way to treat any medical problem at home because they have no or very limited side effects. Moreover, they are readily available as well. Toothache can also be resolved with such a natural herb, Thyme. It has strong anti-oxidant properties as well as antibacterial properties which can help treat tooth pain as well as other items such as chest infections and cough. 

In order to use Thyme for toothache, the simplest way is to buy some thyme essential oil and apply it to the affected area. Alternatively, mixing this oil in a glass of water and then using it as a mouthwash will also work. Regular consumption of thyme has various other health benefits too which is why you should make it a part of your routine diet.

Use Garlic

Garlic is known as one of the most effective treatments for toothache because of its anti-bacterial properties. It also has pain-relieving agents which can quickly end the excruciating pain you are facing in the mouth. The best way to use garlic for toothache relief is to chew a clove of fresh garlic. Make sure to wash it before chewing. 

However, if this is too much and you can’t do that, there are other ways too. Take the garlic clove and create its paste by mashing it completely and then mixing with a spoonful of water. This paste could also be applied inside the mouth on affected teeth or gums. Leaving a clove or two of garlic in a glass of water overnight would help in creating a mixture that can be used in the morning as a mouthwash. However, be aware that garlic may leave some smell in your mouth so use a flavored mouthwash or toothpaste 15 minutes after applying garlic.

Apply Alcoholic Flavoring Extracts

Various flavoring extracts are regularly used in foods, mainly sweet dishes. These flavoring extracts have alcohol as an extra ingredient. Using these flavoring extracts, such as vanilla extract, would help out in easing tooth pain. This is mainly because alcohol works as an antioxidant and eliminates all germs from the mouth in an instance. 

Therefore, it would work as an effective healer while giving you a flavorful taste as well. However, the direct application of flavoring on the affected part is not advised as it is too strong even if taken in light quantities. Therefore, we recommend using a cotton ball and applying some flavored extract to it. It will then be suitable for use on the teeth. Furthermore, you can also make a mouthwash out of it by mixing the extract with water.

Use Ice

If you don’t have the problem of sensitive teeth, using an ice-pack would surely help you out in tooth pain. This solution is usually recommended when a person has undergone any accident or has an injury on their mouth that is aiding pain. Icepack will help by constricting the blood vessels and easing out the pain ultimately. The application of an ice pack also helps in an instant reduction of inflammation on the affected tooth. 

To make an ice pack, simply grab a small cloth and wrap one or two ice cubes in it. Place it on the affected area and leave for 20 minutes. It is our suggestion to use either a microfiber cloth or a small towel to make the ice pack as a simple piece of cloth could be extra cold for your teeth. Repeat the entire process every few hours or whenever the pain occurs. Keep in mind that since there are no antibacterial agents involved in this method, there are chances that it does not work. 

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Although there are plenty of ways to treat toothaches at home, many of them are temporary. This is because the underlying cause of tooth pain may not necessarily be any bacterial action. Sometimes, tooth pain may occur for other reasons too. The best way to get your toothache treated is to visit a dentist. However, do try out these techniques before visiting as sometimes, the issue isn’t that severe. 

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